Let’s Play EarthBound Episode 01 - Picky & Pokey
This Earthbound (1994) let's play is the first in what will hopefully be a long running series of Ruth Plays Games videos for Grave Ambition. Contrary to the title, Ruth has invited her friend Saul to come and play the game because it's one of Saul's favourite games of all time.
In this episode we meet our protagonist Ness, the neighbour kids Picky and Pokey, and BUZZ BUZZ. There's a meteor to investigate, a runaway brother to locate, and a prophetic warning of a terrifying future that only Ness and his friends can prevent!
We’re playing Earthbound inside awesome nostalgic bedroom simulator EmuVR. It’s got old TVs and customizable posters so you can recreate the halcyon video gaming world of the 1990s! Find out more here.